Humor · Toddlers

20 Lies This Mom Tries to Convince Herself Are True


1. I will wake up before my kids to get a head start on the day.

2. We will make it out the door this morning in peace and harmony

3. I forgot to bring snacks but my kids can make it two hours without eating something.

4. No one will notice the dried on breakfast I forgot to wipe off their faces.


5. I am going to start making homemade meals for my family.

6. The kids will happily play with their toys while I prepare these meals.

7. My child does not have too much sugar in her diet.

8. It’s okay if I bribe her with lollipops all day long.


9. I will look great when my husband walks in the door this evening: hair, makeup, and something not covered in peanut butter and glitter.

10. Tonight I am going to break out my lingerie. . . once I find where I stored it.

11. Today I will not get frustrated with my kids.

12. I will catch my daughter before she eats more toothpaste.


13. Today I will clean the house.

14. I will wash the dirty laundry, and even put away the clean pile sitting in the basket all week.

15. My kids are not in the other room creating a bigger mess than the one I am cleaning up at the moment.

16. Well, I can always finish things up tonight.


17. I will spend nap time doing something productive.

18. I will begin doing that productive thing in just a few more minutes. . .

19. Okay, nap time is suddenly over; I will make up for it tonight.

20. Sure we can all go run errands together this afternoon, it will be so much fun.



17 thoughts on “20 Lies This Mom Tries to Convince Herself Are True

  1. Haha! Number ONE!!!! Wow, I relate to so much of this post. lol
    And that pic of her with the lollipop is super cute!


    1. Thanks! Yes, before kids I vowed mine would have almost no sugar. . . Then I realized the power of a lollipop! πŸ™‚


  2. Yes, yes, yes! I tell myself these things every single day, especially the “I’ll get to that productive thing in just a few more minutes”….it’s amazing how much we delude ourselves everyday, isn’t it??? Your children are beautiful too, even if they’re crying in the picture:)


    1. Awe, thanks! It is fun to see how many of us are in the same boat. It is encouraging to know I am not the only one struggling with this perfect housewife thing!


  3. I spat my coffee out laughing at this…They are like the 20 commandments for all mothers …..I have a three month old and 18month old and I’m still kidding myself that I will get the entire house cleaned when my son naps…..its never happened once


    1. Wow, your’s are even closer in age than mine! Yes, it is a constant battle with ourselves it seems. I think the days I am the happiest though are when I stop caring and just play with my babies. πŸ™‚


  4. It is a lot of work but so much fun!! I would not want mine to be any further apart in age. Especially now, they play together all the time; best buds. . . and worst enemies at the same time!


  5. This is perfect! And exhausting. And so enviable and impossible a list I wish I could grant you superpowers to achieve it. Regardless, I hope you’re having a marvelous time with the attempt. πŸ™‚


    1. Thanks but sadly I have pretty much given up by now. Although every now and then I somehow convince myself it will happen, until the day is over and I realize I am more behind then when I started! πŸ™‚


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