Category #2 · Encouragement · featuredpost · Inspirational

You’re Doing a Good Job Mom

“My head hangs lower and I begin to cry. I need to try harder, to be more disciplined, more structured. I somehow need to find more energy. This coffee isn’t cutting it anymore. I am tired. I am spent. I am a failure and the day is only half through. The tears begin to flow faster.

Then, I stop to look around. . .”


Welcome to My Messy Home

Never before had I invited a friend over to such an embarrassing mess. We were meeting at a park close to where we both lived. It began to rain. I suggested letting the kids play at the library. It was too far to walk and she did not have a car or carseat with her. I… Continue reading Welcome to My Messy Home

Humor · Toddlers

20 Lies This Mom Tries to Convince Herself Are True

1. I will wake up before my kids to get a head start on the day. 2. We will make it out the door this morning in peace and harmony 3. I forgot to bring snacks but my kids can make it two hours without eating something. 4. No one will notice the dried on… Continue reading 20 Lies This Mom Tries to Convince Herself Are True