
“Ameri-moms” Nonexistent Labor Day


Yesterday America stopped and celebrated Labor Day. Out came the grills, the footballs and soccer, the homemade treats and iced cold lemonade.  A day off to kick back and enjoy family and friends. Yesterday, America rested. Yesterday, “Ameri-moms” worked themselves to the bone.

If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands? ~ Milton Berle

Finally crashing in bed last night, I realized the idea of a “day off” is something non-existent in my life at this time. Yesterday included no sleeping in or lounging around, and who has time to eat when chasing around never ending moving tots? The day was messy and sticky, sweaty and exhausting.

Even when freshly washed and relieved of all obvious confections, children tend to be sticky. ~ Fran Lebowitz

For the “Ameri-moms,” Labor day was double shift, overtime, and hard labor all wrapped up in one.  Monday, Friday, Easter, Christmas, I barely ever know the date, for they make no difference. Every day is a round the clock heavy labor shift.

*Side note: all the heavy lifting has allowed me to now open a jar of pickles without any assistance. 🙂

Moms: we are exhausted, wiped, forever searching for that far off memory called rest.

Motherhood: Because sleeping is overrated. ~Anonymous

We often go through the motions, paste on our big grins, when deep inside we just want to cry out to the sale’s clerk, “HELP! I am drowning!!”

To all the tired mommas out there today, know your cry is not alone. We are all in this together, somehow making it, moment by moment, deep breathe by deep breathe. Those sweet angels turn for a hug, a sticky kiss, and we find the strength, even if limited, to go another day.

When my kids become wild and unruly, I use a nice, safe playpen. When they’re finished, I climb out. ~ Erma Bombeck

I am a positive person, always looking for the beauty within the storm. However, I do not deny the exhaustion, the hard work, the nights of tears, and the desires for a little alone time.

The time will go quickly and soon we too will find a Labor Day with our feet propped up, sipping lemonade. For now let us lace up the sneakers, ready to chase after the little ones, finding a small breathe of air here, a miraculous few minutes of rest there. It is not easy, but forever worth it.

The quickest way for a parent to get a child’s attention is to sit down and look comfortable. ~ Lane Olinghouse


55 thoughts on ““Ameri-moms” Nonexistent Labor Day

  1. This brought back so many memories! My children are older now (12, 17 and 18) but I well remember those days of wanting to lock myself in the bathroom for a few moments peace and quiet but alas, if you are alone at home with them, you can’t lock any doors and hide!! The photographs are beautiful.
    P.S. this too will pass and before you know it (although you can’t even imagine it now) they will be making plans to leave home.


    1. Thank you so much for sharing this Noelene! I know you are right, that the time will be here and gone before I blink. I am trying to forever soak up each moment–even the exhausting ones. 🙂

      As much as I wish to hide in the closet on some days, your emotions run much deeper than mine at this time. I hate to think of the day they will leave me. Prayers for strength to you during this transitional time.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for these words. I always feel guilty for feeling irritated or overworked and wanting a few minutes alone. I feel like a bad mother on many days because I just don’t have the energy to smile all day. But I try to tell myself that I’m only human…

    It’s definitely not easy, but yes, so worth it.


    1. Oh man. Yes! Motherhood is the best, most beautiful, most exhausting job I’ve had. And I’ve worked a lot of jobs. No days off, and a simultaneous desire for them & guilt for the desire. But your smile says it all–the payoff is pure joy 🙂


      1. Keri, I used to work for a business man who held more at his job than I could imagine. He had two young kids at home and would often tell me “My wife has a much harder job than me. Somedays I go to work for a break from it all.”

        I have always loved this man! 🙂

        I agree though, it is worth every last yawn.


    2. Theresa, I think the guilt factor is no stranger to the best of us. I love to open my heart in this way because I then find how many others there are feeling just like me! We love it, we wouldn’t trade it for the world, we are the happiest in all our life. At the same time, we are exhausted.

      You are not a bad mother just a tired one. 😉


  3. I am reading this in bed, laying on back, barely able to type. Totally wiped out, I can hear my son calling for me, refusing to allow Dad to give him a shower. It has to be me. Always me. I think I might cry.


    1. Haha, I love this Rochelle!! My husband often tells me on the weekend “It’s my day off.” I try to bite lip before asking him when I will have one of these. 🙂


  4. I know what you mean on this one for sure. It’s very true that we never seem to get the downtime we work to give the rest of our family! Grossly unfair. But you need to be a good example to your kids in remembering that you are a person too and you need to take care of her so that she can take care of everyone else, so show them what you look like with your feet propped up and you let them do your running for you once in a while!


    1. Torrie, I just visualized my son wobbling over to me with a tray of cookies and lemonade. . . I think I like it! 🙂 I know what you mean though, and that is why I am right now spending my time in the blogoshpere instead of cleaning my tornado swept home. 🙂


      1. Is a very good visualization…I can see that too! Makes me laugh knowing just from the pix you post of him that the cookies and lemonade would never make it all the way to you before he dove in and munched down the cookies and washed those down with lemonade…if you give a mouse a cookie, remember? 🙂


  5. Great post, and at a great time. “Days off” are always more challenging. We’re out of our normal routine, usually around a bunch of other people, and it’s always a challenge to keep up with three boys for me. Thanks for your words, and encouragement!


    1. Yes, routine to a toddler is like the foundation to a house: without the one the other will fall apart! My daughter is by far easier than my son, and you have three of them–God have mercy on your soul dear momma! 😉 🙂


  6. Keep those arms in shape girl. I too can now open pickles most of the time, but for all the lifting I can’t understand why my arms are not more muscular and still look puny. Oh well, like the post I wrote today, I am weak so they can be strong. Thanks again sashes. Your words build up. Love the quotes!


    1. Haha, Rebekah, I bet they look much stronger than you realize! Good point though, even our weaknesses can be turned in for His strength. I am giving Him my tired form today. 🙂


  7. I’ve decided when I’m no longer the one towing three little ones to the grocery store I’m going to let the lady waiting in line with the anxious, excited children to go in front of me. Then I’ll smile, tell her she’s doing a fantastic job, and help her load up her car. Cause that’s what we need on occasion. Just someone to understand and see all we do for those sweet little ones. I love this post! Thanks for reminding us that we are all in this together!


    1. What I would give to run into someone just like you!! Your idea is wonderful! My husband works insane hours and I do not remember the last time I went to the store alone. I will definitely keep your idea in mind when it happens one day though!


    1. Oh Natasha, as much as we adore our munchkins, is not nap time one of the greatest things in all the world?? AND they were even long naps. . . I am at a loss for words! Glad you were able to have a small bit of downtime. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha, isn’t it the best? I only wish I would have heard it when I still had a playpen around! 🙂 Oh, and I always return from vacation much more tired than when I left!


  8. Oh boy did you just describe my day to a tee! 😏💕 hope your Labor Day was filled with lots of sticky hugs and countless kisses. In the midst of the madness, that’s what holds me together!


  9. This is so true! Only a mom would understand it though because part of the exhaustion comes from dealing with the frustrating people who just don’t get it.
    ‘Every mother does it, you’re no different do stop complaining.’
    ‘Its your job’
    ‘How difficult can it be? She’s just a baby.’
    ‘Yes, but that’s not REAL work’



    1. I suppose the day will come when we will sit back sipping our lemonade and laugh at our grown children, now having to chase after their own little ones. Payback! 🙂


    1. Will that not be the most perfect day? I sometimes wonder how strange it will be when it is I dragging my children out of bed in the mornings! BUT, at that point they will probably not be so prone to cuddles in my bed after, so I will try to soak up each day now–even though exhausted. 🙂


  10. When my husband said “Let’s go relax at the lake for Labor Day,” I made a mental list of all the extra stuff I would have to do to make it go smoothly for our 11 m/o… talk about relaxing, right?

    But truly, I do have to remind myself that while it can seem like a heavy burden at times… being a mama 24/7 is so rewarding and beautiful. Lovely post, Sasha!


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