
“Ameri-moms” Nonexistent Labor Day

Yesterday America stopped and celebrated Labor Day. Out came the grills, the footballs and soccer, the homemade treats and iced cold lemonade.  A day off to kick back and enjoy family and friends. Yesterday, America rested. Yesterday, “Ameri-moms” worked themselves to the bone. If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands? ~ Milton… Continue reading “Ameri-moms” Nonexistent Labor Day

Humor · Toddlers

You’re Officially a Mom of Small Children When. . .

-You nurse the baby while simultaneously doing your makeup, entertaining your toddler and making a doctor’s appointment. -Going to the bathroom alone is a foggy memory of peaceful days. -It is literally freezing temps outside and yet you forgot your jacket since by the time you finally had the kids ready and out the door… Continue reading You’re Officially a Mom of Small Children When. . .