Category #2 · Encouragement · featuredpost · Inspirational

You’re Doing a Good Job Mom

“My head hangs lower and I begin to cry. I need to try harder, to be more disciplined, more structured. I somehow need to find more energy. This coffee isn’t cutting it anymore. I am tired. I am spent. I am a failure and the day is only half through. The tears begin to flow faster.

Then, I stop to look around. . .”

Friday Favorites · Organization · Toddlers

My Solution to the Endless Mess of Toys

I was ready for a change, ready to find a solution to the never ending disaster of our place–the toy mess. I started by weaning out a large majority of them. A large majority?? You would never know! There were still so many nice ones I knew the kids did not “need” but could not… Continue reading My Solution to the Endless Mess of Toys


Crazy Mom Passion

“It is obvious that we can no more explain a passion to a person who has never experienced it than we can explain light to the blind.”  ~T. S. Eliot Motherhood. Passion beyond passion. Love taking over your heart, soul, and mind. You live and breathe, breathe and live for these little one placed in… Continue reading Crazy Mom Passion