Daughters · Inspirational

Kissed the Girls and Made Them Cry


My dear girl, just a word of advise. When you want to lay next to a boy, arms intertwined, giving each other kisses: Make sure his mom is out of site. She was definitely not smiling. Also, do not let your dad find out about it. You are two years old and he is already talking homeschool. Just a heads up: I do not see him being the most receptive to the whole boyfriend thing.

My little lover, this was all done in innocent affection. The years will pass, however, and more boys will come along. Boys with pretty faces and big heads. These same ones will grow tired of you, leaving your heart broken–only if you let them.

Girls, mean girls, will enter your life. I tell you now, females can be the most vicious of all. Words spoken behind your back to cut you to the core. Laughs of mock, leaving you feeling small and worthless–only if you let them.

Your worth is not found in one’s opinion of you, male or female. You are beautiful, whether another sees it or not.


It is up to you to realize who you are–priceless, beyond compare. You were created for a purpose, much bigger than the opinions any person may try to place on you.

How I wish I would have lived my early years this way. Sadly, I was too often concerned about the opinions of others, and their acceptance of me.

To be honest, I am still learning.

Do not repeat me. Refuse to allow others to dictate your self worth. It is words which so often make or break us, so live your life according to His:

“How beautiful you are my darling! Oh, how beautiful!. . . You have stolen my heart with one glance of your eyes.” ~Song of Solomon 4:1,9

Your true Love finds you breathtaking; walk forever confident in His opinion of you.


25 thoughts on “Kissed the Girls and Made Them Cry

    1. Thank you! It is my prayer she will never lose her little sassy, self confident self, no matter what anyone ever says.


  1. It’s like you took the words right out of my mouth (and made them more profound and beautiful). My oldest girl takes gymnastics classes and she only had boys for classmates this last session. One if those little lover boys proudly told her daddy that Ava was his girlfriend. Her best friends at daycare are always boys. I try to console us that this is because she’s a tomboy already – as apt to play with the toy trains as a doll, but deep down there is a fear that “it” is starting.


    1. Thank you for the kind compliment Kirsten! Fingers crossed, since she is friends with boys she will know how to handle them as well. I know your fear though; it seems like the infatuation starts so young!! Here’s to hoping they will remain sweet, innocent love matches for at least the next twenty years! 😉


  2. What a lovely blog you have here! Thanks for the follow and I look forward to reading more of your future posts. Teaching your daughter this valuable lesson early in life will bless her! Excellent post!


    1. Thank you! I am really enjoying yours as well!! Yes, I pray I will be able to somehow instill this strong confidence in her little soul, starting even now.


    1. Thanks Shea! 🙂 How I wish we could shelter them from the pains of life forever. We are instead left with but words of encouragement we pray they will take to heart.


    1. Thank you!! Yes, I hope by the time my daughter is truly old enough to understand this I will have conquered my own worries of the opinions of others.


  3. Love this! I was JUST thinking the other day I would never trade my.widsom that merely comes from age, for any anti aging beautfying creme . What I adore about my kids is they r not obsessed with what people think about them. I wish like u I could erase that from my brain but somewhere, somehow were were engrained to fit the mold and adapt. Obviously we all want to “fit in” & of course I want my children to” fit in” but like you said ,never let others define their self worth!! Beautiful!


    1. How wonderful you have such self confident children! This gives me great hope it can be done. I think once we realize how much we are truly worth it is then we will have the confidence to go bring change into this world.


  4. Oh my gracious!! Both of my daughters are grown and married now. I didn’t know this for myself and therefore was unable to teach it to them. I have given them other things only a rebel prodigal mom can; a backbone and a mouth (ahem). They are both strong in their individual ways and all I can do now that I am learning that my true Love finds me beautiful and worthy is not to preach (never to preach) but to live that truth out in my life I loved this, Sasha. Your girl is a lucky one. That boy on the other hand……:)


    1. Aw, thank you. . . well, thank you for the compliment about my daughter. 😉 I truly do love to hear you share your story and always love a girl with a strong personality! You are so right, too, it is mainly through example, not instruction, they will learn.


    1. Thanks!! Yes, she knew how pretty she looked that evening from the moment I tried the dress on her. It was so adorable watching the way she walked and acted in it, looking up at any passerby for her compliment. 🙂


  5. Awh Sasha that is lovely…having three girls and being a sister of two I can totally relate! You couldn’t have put it better. I might show this to my 14 and 12 yr olds. It sums it all up really 🙂


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