
This Messed Up Beautiful Life


Our life has been so crazy busy. And I stay up way too late each night trying to catch up. Still, they wake early–always so early…


But as much as I wish for more sleep sometimes. To stay under those warm covers. It’s these moments that remind me what life is all about. What really matters. And that the glass is always half full… For if these little rascals would have let me sleep in. Well. I would have missed out on this.

This. When all is quiet in life and the sun wraps you in ‘hello.’


Our life is often not as beautiful as these photos make it appear. The sun is not always wrapping us up in its glow…

But then again, maybe it is. And maybe we are. You know, always beautiful. Even in the midst of our ugly.

Because beauty is not a pretty picture or frilly dresses. Beauty is messy and hard. It’s failures and faults. Its trying and trying and trying again.


It’s finding your son mopping the floor with water from the toilet. It’s watching your daughter conquer her fears as she marches in the Halloween parade. It’s saying I’m sorry again and again. And I love you. It’s never ending ‘I love you’s.’ And for us these days its ‘fight song.” We say that one a lot. Its Rachell Platten filling our place as we pump our fists and decide we will conquer the world.

And so I whisper it to myself over and over as well. ‘Fight song, momma. You got this…’

And I do. In some completely messy, full of cracks and bumps and learning curves way, I got this. This beautiful life with them.

And the Son wraps me in His own light, and I suddenly realize why it is all so beautiful.

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