My Heart

Anything You Say or Do

My mom lifted the lid to my old childhood sandbox, revealing a large, ugly toad, sitting right in the middle of it. My children looked on with fascination at the creature while my mom, my sister, and I screamed, jumping up and down to no end. My son, unfazed by our reaction, went to climb… Continue reading Anything You Say or Do

Amazing People · Daughters · Readers' Favorites

Bindi Irwin, Please Fight For My Daughter

Miley Cyrus became the talk of America for her “twerking”” at the MTV awards last year. I did not watch the show, and yet have seen the oh so famous jig, simply because of the in your face, everywhere publicity it immediately gained. The more provocative, the more attention you will win it seems. I recently read… Continue reading Bindi Irwin, Please Fight For My Daughter