
Sibling Chatter

Boston: “Pierce, don’t go in the water, it’s not ours. Pierce: “Aaaaahhhh!!” Boston: “Pierce, the people will yell at us!” Pierce: “Baaaa!!” Boston: “Pierce, are you listening to me?!?!” Pierce: “Aeee!” Boston: “Pierce, you need to listen.” Pierce: “Ooooh!!” Boston (shaking head): “That Pierce.” 🙂


Rebelling Against the Busy, iPhone-y Way of Living

Life: it seems it has become a race car way of living. We go from this place to that, run this errand and that one, this project, this job, this volunteer stop, this function, this class, this sporting event. . . Even in the moments of actually sitting, my children are playing, and there I… Continue reading Rebelling Against the Busy, iPhone-y Way of Living