Daughters · Toddlers

Second Fiddle to Elsa’s Frozen Charm

Boston is going as “Elsa” tomorrow. Of course she is Elsa. My house has been overtaken by the Frozen star.We have bags, socks, shirts, puzzles, singing microphones, the doll, the book, the dress. My daughter is three. Not three going to be four next week. No, three just last month three. Isn’t this still the age of… Continue reading Second Fiddle to Elsa’s Frozen Charm

Amazing People · Inspiring mommas

First Flight Out

We moved this week. My mom came. Of course my mom came. She lives another state away, but come a need and she is there, right by my side. Today I began to think of all the times she has rushed to my aid since I first packed up my car and headed across the… Continue reading First Flight Out

My Heart

Domestic Violence: She is Not Bulletproof

Ray Rice of the Baltimore Ravens has recently been suspended from the NFL. Video footage from back in February revealed him punching his fiancée unconscious with a single hit, then dragging her limp body out of the elevator. It is sickening, horrific. What is more shaking, however, is Rice’s then fiancée, Janay Palmer, is now Janay Rice,… Continue reading Domestic Violence: She is Not Bulletproof