My Heart

Chasing Leaves

The winds are blowing in great gusts. The leaves falling by the masses. We run fast, trying to catch them mid-air. We cannot grab a single one. They are too quick, the wind scattering them in all directions. No matter. You laugh and squeal until the wind takes a moment’s rest. “Momma!!!” You point to the… Continue reading Chasing Leaves

My Heart

I am the Universal Momma

Yesterday, we were in the waiting room at the doctor’s office when the nurse popped in calling for a “Lauren.” Boston turned to me, “Oh, it is Lauren’s turn. When they say ‘Momma’ then it will be our turn!” Oh of course, we all know I am the universal momma indeed. 🙂 I was first humored,… Continue reading I am the Universal Momma

My Heart · Our Kids

Letting Go

I dropped my daughter off for her first day of school. It is two days a week for two and half hours each time. Two days, two hours: one emotionally wrecked momma! I did not realize how strongly it would impact me. My baby, beaming, waved goodbye, so excited to be a big girl. I waved… Continue reading Letting Go