
Naked Love


She woke up crying. I ran in to find her nose spilling blood everywhere. The couch cushion, the carpet, her dress. Quickly sweeping her into my arms I ran to the bathroom where we waited for it to end.

Just the two of us, her stripped down to princess underwear, feet dipped in the sink as we quietly waited for the bleeding to stop. I took a warm washcloth to gently clean her naked body, the sound of only the faucet in our ears. She smiled at me.

And then another sound. Ringing so loudly in my ears I could not help but weep.

“I was naked, and you clothed me.” 

I heard it so loud. So clear. And in that moment I realized more than ever before the utter importance of just being mom.

Because every time I mopped another spill, broke up another fight, wiped a millionth tear… each trip to the doctor, the play ground, the grocery store. The cleaning and cooking and laundry and laundry and laundry… Silly dances and late night cuddles. Calming fears and comforting pains. Praise. Pride. Celebrations over putting on underwear the right way.

The tasks that often seem so trivial, the moments so mundane no one else would even care to know.

Each and every time. Each and every moment. It is just as though I was serving Him. The Savior Himself… That’s how He sees it anyways.

“I was naked, and you clothed me.” 

How often does this motherhood thing tend to grab our souls and make us question yet again if we are enough? If our life is worth enough. “Just a mom,” we so often respond. Like we are somehow less deserving.

But God, He sees us as doing something of unmatched importance. Our babies depend us for everything, from the food in their belly to the clothes on their backs. And although most days we may smell like grilled cheese and old milk, He only sees beauty.

Who cares if society tells you your contribution is not enough; your life a little less worthy of praise? Does society see you at 3AM, with the sick child who does not care about your successes or awards? How much money you have made or positions you have taken. The child who cries only for momma–whose touch alone will bring the comfort and peace she needs.

“I was naked, and you clothed me.”

I held my daughter for a long time after the bleeding stopped. Knowing that these are the moments that are shaping both our souls. And as I held her I knew He was right there with us. Holding us both in ways I never could.

He’s there each day, each moment. He sees. And He smiles at my everyday world. Because He knows that with each new load of laundry I am serving Him. And I am serving a much bigger purpose than I will ever truly see.

“Then the King will say… I was hungry and you gave Me food to eat. I was thirsty and you gave Me water to drink. I was a stranger and you gave Me a room. I was naked and you clothed me. I was sick and you cared for Me. I was in prison and you came to see Me.’

“Then they will say, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You? When did we see You thirsty and give You a drink? When did we see You a stranger and give You a room? When did we see You naked and clothe You? And when did we see You sick or in prison and we came to You?’ Then the King will say, ‘For sure, I tell you, because you did it to one of the least of My brothers, you have done it to Me.’

 ~Matthew 25


Hi moms, let’s stay connected! Follow along on Facebook! 

47 thoughts on “Naked Love

    1. Alison, I love that you were doing exactly one of those “insignificant” tasks right when you read this!! Because it was in fact of so much significance and importance! Keep on doing what your doing! ❤


  1. Oh Sasha…I just love this. I love what He spoke to you–how intimate and precious! I remember the first time I realized I was serving Him by being a mom a couple years ago–and how that was enough. And yet–it doesn’t get old–this message. I need to be reminded every day. This post brings me to tears, and those words, “When I was naked, you clothed Me.” They go deep in my spirit tonight–thank you, thank you so much for taking the time to write this–it is so powerful..
    <3, Rebekah

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    1. Thank you Rebekah! I talk to so many moms and I feel this may be the number one struggle they wrestle with: being enough when they are “only” a mom. Love that you know this truth, because your life of motherhood is touching so many more than you will ever know!


  2. I really needed this today as I’ve been sitting here wondering, “Am I doing enough?” I often browse social media and see other moms seemingly doing so much more. (Comparison can be such a poison.) Anyway, I’m so thankful to read your words–they are an encouragement to me as I change yet another diaper, clean up another mess, make another meal, fold another load of laundry, etc. I have a 6-month-old and a 4-year-old and I stay home with them. I love that I can be with them every day, nurturing them and providing for their needs. And yes, even clothing them! Thank you!

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    1. Jenni, thanks for sharing this! Social media can often make us look like we have it all together. I am a total pro and creating photos that hide the mess. 😉 But you are doing such a beautiful thing being their mom. And that’s all that matters. 3


  3. Sasha,
    Thank you! I really needed to read this. I’m a stay at home mom to three beautiful kids that keep me on my toes. I have 6 yr old twins (boy/girl) and a 2 1/2 yr old. Motherhood is truly a wonderful calling. There are times when I forget how important my job is as a Mother. And that ” I am Enough!” Once again, thank you for your post. I really enjoyed it.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow. My kids are getting older now, but your post just swept 20 tons of love over me. Never have I thought of that scripture like this before. Thank you for posting it. You have given me the best Valentine’s ‘mom’ gift…ever.


    1. Susan, I never thought of it this way either, until that day. It was a moment I will never forget. Thank you so much for sharing this with me! Happy Valentines momma! You’re doing a beautiful work. ❤


  5. How lovely. I have four littles, 4 year old triplet daughters and a 1 year old son. I do not doubt that raising them is the most meaningful endeavor I could undertake, nor do I question that staying home with them is the right decision for our family. But even in that certainty the hard moments, the hard days, come. And this beautiful reminder that we are to do everything as unto the Lord adds a peacefulness to the chaos, a beauty to the mundane, a strength to the moments of weakness. He is enough for us, and in all we do, we are serving Him. We don’t answer to those who either systematically or unintentionally belittle our lives, we answer to the One who gives us breath, and He tells us that our service to our families is faithful service to Him. How freeing and encouraging! And how kind of Him to lift our everyday life to the level of service to the King of kings.

    Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. This was beautifully written! Such a wonderful reminder. I was up just two nights ago with a 3 year old with a bloody nose yet I did not have this profound moment as you did but it has caused me to reflect. Thank you for sharing. Your post reminded me of this wonderful book Covenant Motherhood by Stephanie Dibb Sorensen. It was very good and had some similar and beautiful insights. Have a wonderful day and happy mothering!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Thank you for this! I struggle a lot with guilt from not working in my field and staying home with the kids instead. This gave me new perspective, thank you!

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  8. Thank you for sharing these thoughts.

    My life and my plans were just put on hold and upside down as I found myself unexpectedly pregnant for a 2nd time, at a difficult point in our lives, and it turned out to be triplets. It isn’t something that I would have ever chosen for myself. I am trying to embrace this to the best of my abilities and to not worry and trust Him… but I still find myself worrying and wondering: why me?

    Little insights like this are helping me to find peace with His plans, as we near the time when these babies will arrive. He put those babies there… this is bigger than I am, and things will be okay. I can be the mother and the servant to these babies, if it’s my calling to do so. Even if it is at the cost of my own plans… His are greater.

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    1. Congratulations on your 3 little miracles! We have twins. He gave you these babies for a reason…you were chosen…I’ll be praying for you! Psalms 127:3

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    2. Alicia, congratulations! I have 4 year old triplets followed by a one year old, and while I certainly never planned on the triplets (or have four children in three years), my kids are by far the most amazing blessing. And they were born during a huge transition for my husband and me, with the first few years of their lives coinciding with some very difficult times in my husband’s career. (And when they were 3 and I had a 7 week old newborn, my husband was involved in a multi-car accident that put him completely out of commission for three months with me as his sole caretaker- while still being the sole caregiver of our precious littles). I definitely understand raising children through very difficult circumstances. I wish I could share with you all the miracles we’ve seen along the way. From the birth of three beautiful girls with perfect health to someone actually giving us a minivan without our mentioning to anyone that their fast approaching forward facing carseats were not all going to fit in our little car, to today, there are so many instances of God being exactly what we needed- comforter, father, encourager, friend, guide- and giving what we needed- patience, endurance, strength, understanding, love. Only He can create eternal souls in His image, and He has not created the three in your womb by mistake. Raising children isn’t easy, raising triplets is a whole new set of challenges, but He is faithful. I can promise you that. So anticipate all those tiny bodies to cuddle and little voices declaring their love for you- I guarantee you’ll come to the point where you do not begrudge any temporal sacrifices you’ve had to make as a result of gaining eternal blessings.

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    3. Alicia, I love that you shared this here! And I love to see how moms come together in encouraging one another, and reminding us that we are not alone! 🙂 I can only imagine how completely exhausted your life is soon to be. But how much God will be smiling down at you through it all. Prayers for strength to you, sweet momma. And that you will forever feel His presence and love through each day. ❤

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  9. I so needed this. I have been feeling so discouraged lately. Thank you for this uplifting reminder of what truly matters! Thank you for sharing your faith.

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  10. Thankyou so much for sharing this. I find myself lately getting cranky easily and losing my way as a mum.. not appreciating this season for what it is before it flys by. Im at work on night duty at the moment and all i want to do is go home and cuddle my boys and apologize for being the grumpy mum. Thankyou for putting it all back into perspective and reminding me to treasure these days xx

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  11. Where was this when I was a Mom….My heart felt sentiments ARE THE SAME!!!
    So Well Articulated statements of the BEAUTY & REALITY & Now A Days PRIVILEGE of being able to stay home & raise our Flesh & Blood / Raising our Babies…True Love Involves Sacrifice for that is the Definition of TRUE LOVE.
    SANDRA GUAJARDO on Johnnys Facebook.

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