
Back Burner Mother’s Day


I meant to write a sweet piece about moms this week. I mean it’s Mother’s Day on Sunday and I do have a mom blog, right? I meant to sit down and wrap myself up in my words, to let my heart simply pour out onto the page. I meant to…

But life got away from me this week.

Life seems to forever just “get away” from us, doesn’t it?

Everything gets placed further and further onto the back burner, until sometimes that burner seems to be all but forgotten.

Well, everything but one that is: those little creatures who made us Mom.

They consume our days, taking our every last drop of energy. They demand our attention–our full attention–more than we could have ever known beforehand. And everything else in life takes second place to them.


I have come to the conclusion that there is nothing so wonderful in all the world as a life that has “gotten away.” For this life, the one filled to the brim with back burner dreams and goals, it is a life more beautiful than anything I could have ever imagined.

And so this Mother’s Day I want to take a minute to simply acknowledge you. You, who also have those dreams tucked away. You, who decided there is nothing more important than making sure every one of your child’s dreams comes true first. You, the sweet momma who realizes that back burner goals can take their time. This life, right now, will not wait.

This one day is set aside for you, but every time you see him dance, each time you watch her face light up in wonder, it is your day. Every dream they reach, every milestone they surpass, every embrace, it is yours.


Happy Mother’s Day to you, dear mom, the one who makes life a little sweeter. There is no dream more beautiful than that.

4 thoughts on “Back Burner Mother’s Day

  1. Sasha, I had to share this post on my fb page. I can’t think of a better way to celebrate Mother’s Day than to sit back and enjoy life “getting away.” As ever, you move me with a few simple words. And the pics are lovely. Thanks for the smile.


  2. Lovely. Happy Mother’s Day to you, too, sweet mama! Life slipping away isn’t so bad with these precious ones, is it? 🙂


  3. I think this in of itself is beautiful. Enjoy “enjoying” them. Someday we will look back and miss these days. 🙂 ❤ Happy Mother's Day to a beautiful Momma!


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