Encouragement · Inspirational

You Are Beautiful


The day has come to an end, and if you are anything like me, a glance in the mirror will reveal all. Hair, once pulled back into a pony tail, now coming out in odd places. Cookie batter splattered about your shirt. Raccoon eyes where mascara was placed at some point during the day. I am a disaster. Chances are, you are too.

Well, you think you are disaster. Chances are, someone else sees you a little differently. . .

You see, you didn’t have to be a frazzled mess tonight.

This morning, you could have mostly ignored those little rascals, spending your time with a hot shower and blow dryer. Instead, you spent it playing and chasing, while washing their laundry and dishes in between. This afternoon, while they napped, you could have primped and pampered. Instead, you prepped their evening’s dinner, and then glued yourself to the computer, researching crafts, recipes, and educational games. You could have run to the store and grabbed a pack of cookies. Instead, you spent the time with her, slowly adding each new ingredient to the mix.

You chose this disaster, you know? You could look much better. And yet, you find your own self somehow becoming a constant second thought. Or third, or forth. For although you know you are a crumpled mess of appearance, you care too much about someone else to do anything about it.

So you throw your hair back once again. You dash on some sloppy mascara. You down the yoga pants for the millionth time, for what better way to have an impromptu dance party. You attend story times and open gyms; children’s museums and trips to the fire station. And all along, you and your disaster of a self, you smile.

You smile because the ones you care for the most, they are smiling. And this. . . this is what you live for.

So tonight, you see a frazzled head of hair. Not him. He sees his best friend, willing to cuddle before laying him in bed. You see raccoon eyes. Not her. She sees the one who cared to stay with her after those bad dreams.

You see a disaster. They see pure love.

You may feel anything but pretty some days. Usually, those are the days your beauty is greatest.

Keep shining, mom. You are beautiful to the ones who really matter.

23 thoughts on “You Are Beautiful

  1. This is so beautiful, Sasha. I’ve been feeling like this lately… A lot. And because I just got my wisdom teeth out, I’m feeling like a chipmunk and a raccoon, put together! But really, my son sees me the same. He looks straight past my looks into my heart. Beautiful post and such a timely reminder! Beautiful new blog, too! 🙂


    1. Aw, sweet mamma! I had mind taken out when Boston was around your son’s age, so I know exactly what you mean! 🙂 He really does think you are the most beautiful chipmunk around too! 😉 Hope you get to feeling better soon!!


  2. Ah, again you speak my heart. On a good day, I struggle with the echoes of my past and the reflection in the present. Rarely do I feel beautiful even when my hair and makeup behave. On a messy day… Boy, howdy! But, wait, those ARE the good days, aren’t they? In the end, I wouldn’t trade them to be a poised supermodel for all the world. Thank you.


  3. Sasha this a lovely post. We really do matter to our children and God has giving us a wonderful ministry. We shape their lives everyday with our words and actions. And we serve out of our Love for Christ. He gives us the strength to love them. We love because we know we are loved by the King of Kings. It is a selfless love. And sometimes racoon eyes, crazy hair and cookie dough all over our pants is a sign that we ourselves are enjoying the greatest gift ever and that if parenting. I forget all this sometimes and I get really frazzled. Your post helps me remember who I am and what I am here for. My hearts desire is to love my kids. I just can be so selfish sometimes. Your post reminds me how fun parenting is and should be. Sasha thank you.


  4. Such a wonderful point to make. And as long as my husband keeps telling me I’m beautiful every day, and those Littles keep looking at me with that light in their eyes, I am thrilled to end the day with messy hair and raccoon eyes. On the days I have time to put on mascara… lol Beautiful as always, Sasha.


    1. I suppose there truly is an advantage to not finding the time to put on our mascara. 😉 You are beautiful! I am SO happy to have connected with such a beautiful soul!


    1. I am so glad you were encouraged by it!! I do hope you think of it often, especially on those days you feel you are at your worse. Even though I wrote it, it is something I need to remind myself of as well. 🙂


  5. Loved this! Even though I do a mommy fashion blog, most days I look a mess. I always feel better when I try a little and sometimes I miss going to a job every morning because it motivated me to look nice everyday. At the end of the day, we have more important things to worry about than looking our best because we don’t come first anymore.


    1. And I LOVE your fashion blog!! Even though most days we are a mess, we still need sites like yours to keep us going! 🙂 So glad you were encouraged by this though!!


  6. Beautiful post! Most days I know I look like a big ol’ sloppy mess, but my daughter insists that “mommy pretty”. It makes me smile and warms my heart. The beauty is in the times we share, the love and the laughter.


  7. I haven’t been here in soooo long so firstly, LOVE the new look! Secondly love this post… Tris has this uncanny knowledge of when I need a pick me up, he will run to me give me a quick hug and say ” you look beautiful, love ya” and run away again.


    1. Oh, that is soooo precious Rochelle!! Thank you for sharing this sweet piece of your son with me! I am so glad you stopped by too!!!! I finally took the plunge and switch to a self hosted blog. I am loving it! 🙂


  8. Beautiful Sasha! I’m often so tired and “undone” by the end of the day, but that little boy of mine seems to remind me of what really is beautiful.

    By the way, your site looks great!


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