desire · Simple Musings

My Only New Year’s Resolution


She’s three. She goes to nursery school, soccer, ballet. She is most always forced to walk as I carry her little brother to and fro. She is the “big sister.” The independent one.

That afternoon, she was my little girl. “Mom, do you want to come cuddle with me in your bed?” she asked.

I froze. I thought of all the many items on my “to do” list. I thought of the coveted “me time” which was just about to happen as both kids rested. . .

We buried ourselves under the cozy blankets. We talked and giggled, and sometime during it all fell asleep together. I awoke with her in the crook of my arm. I could not have asked for a more perfect afternoon.

Sometimes life is best spent on standstill.

Life can wait. These two of mine, they cannot. Such a short time we have together. What could ever be more important than making memories with them?

My resolution this new year: to recognize the constant need to slow down. To take things moment by moment. To be present–fully present–with these miracles given to me. Here with the sound of little giggles and squeals. Here with those big eyes of wonder and excitement. Not too busy to cuddle in bed. Never too busy to cuddle in bed.

Being here. Present. Fully. Spending my days in perfect love.


What is your resolution for the new year? I would enjoy hearing it!


I often use my Facebook page to post short writings throughout the week. I would love to have you there!

50 thoughts on “My Only New Year’s Resolution

  1. This is my resolution too! Being in the moment, actually playing, laughing, slowing down. Because these little ones grow up way too fast! Happy new year to you and your cute family, Sasha. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. It’s those little moments that matter. Thanks for this beautiful example of choosing others before yourself…your kids will grow up learning this generosity from you. Happy new year soon!


  3. One of my resolutions is to stop judging my parenting. I believe it keeps me from having a more natural view of my role as a mother. This means not analyzing my days when with my kids. I just love them. When any of us make mistakes, we apologize and move on to the next thing. The most important thing your child can ever know is that they are loved.


    1. Cate, I know exactly how you feel!! How easy it is to judge ourselves–especially when it comes to parenting! Such a great resolution. One I too want to embrace. Thanks for sharing this!


        1. I did see it but have actually been gone on vacation this month and everything has seemed to slip my mind! Thanks for reminding me!! I do not participate in these, but am in no way less honored! Thank you so much!!!! SO happy! 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  4. Beautiful resolution. I can certainly embrace that, as well as more patience for myself as I learn and grow from my mistakes, more contentment in the little corner of the world God has given me.


    1. Oh, patience! This too is something I am learning more each day. . . especially when those little ones insist on putting on their shoes and coats all by themselves! 😉


  5. I am right there with you Sasha, Slowing down and breathing in all those priceless moments. I’m finding that I have had the kids involved in too many activities and outings. Life feels like we are always in a hurry. I have dropped several of the kids activities so that this next year we can enjoy one another more. I rather snuggle on the couch than race in the car to get somewhere on time. Happy New Year to You Sasha!!!!!


  6. This is such a great resolution! I always thought resolutions were silly kid stuff, but this year I’ve realized I can use New Years resolutions to change as a person. 🙂
    Do you mind if I share?


  7. My blog this week will kind of echo this: not doing more, but less. Simplify in the moment. I carried your message with me today when I rolled around hugging and tickling my toddlers on the floor today instead of folding the laundry!


  8. To be present…fully present. I join you in that. Kids seem to have this way of pointing us to simplicity and the importance of slowing down. One of the gifts of motherhood, I think. Happy New Year’s, Sasha! 🙂


  9. Reblogged this on Dash of Proverbs 31 and commented:
    This is such a great resolution that I’m challenging myself to! Spending time with children is sometimes so hard with other things going on. But they are only little for a season, I must remember that and set down my iPhone and live in this season of my toddler’s life. I challenge you to do the same!


  10. I love this resolution. As the mom of a 21-year-old, I’d give anything for more of those sweet cuddles. People used to tell me all the time to enjoy those moments, and I did, but I didn’t realize how truly fast they go by. We still have great moments now, don’t get me wrong, but they’re fewer and far between since she’s away at college. Enjoy!


    1. Thanks Esa! It can be easy when you are in the thick of it to feel it will be your life forever. I love to hear from moms like you who remind me how truly quickly it all goes by! I hope you were able to steal a few moments with your sweet girl over Christmas!


  11. Love this!! Love your resolution. Its perfect ;). Mine, with my twin 18 mo old girls, is patience! Not just this year… But starting now, to find and have more of it!! My recent post was about just this ;).


  12. It might be too late, in middle of the year, to read and comment this New Year Resolution post, but I consider resolution is something we can make any time in year as they only help you making good and better. I love you get this one. I will do something in my engaged relationship too. 🙂


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