Simple Musings

Seasons Are Like Childbirth


Yesterday the temperature dropped 25 degrees–25! We went from splashing around one day to shivering our rear ends off the next. Fall is approaching and as much as everyone is cheering about cozy sweaters, changing leaves, and warm fires, I am not falling (no pun intended) for their foolish fantasies. Autumn means one thing: winter is coming. I live on the East side of the states but my heart belongs in San Francisco. Winter here means cold, really, really cold. Cold like wind chills reaching negative 30 last winter.

Our summers are pure magic. So amazing, in fact, they seem to work much like a new baby fresh from its momma’s womb. She labors, suffers, screams and cries. Then, baby pops out, miracle happens, and for some incredulous reason she wants to do it all over again a second time. Summer comes and we somehow forget all about the miseries. We love our city, our nature, our people. We live in the greatest place of all! Sunshine, rainbows, children dancing. . . then, the cold returns, bringing its vicious pains upon us once more. “Why do we live here?!?!” becomes the united cry. Then, summer happens, and the cycle continues on.

Could this really be another year until we will do this again?! *SOB!
Could it really be another year until we will do this again?! *SOB!

You can celebrate your fluffy slippers all you like this fall. I, however, am no longer fooled. I know exactly what is to come. Therefore, I am staying in denial for as long as possible, and as much as our temperatures have dropped am refusing the long pants thus far. I may have shivered at the park yesterday but I was wearing flip flops doing it, and that is what is truly important.

Shivery, shovelry, and frigid is what is predicted here. 

If you are like me and do want to think about it, check out these top ten tropical islands instead!

Or simply forget about it all and cook something incredible from Chocolate & Zucchini.

What about you??? Do you embrace the coming cold with excitement and smiles, or are you a flip flop kind of person? I would love to hear your sentiments! . . . Maybe. 😉

Do not tell me life get's any better than this.
Do not tell me life gets any better than this.

51 thoughts on “Seasons Are Like Childbirth

  1. Firstly, your little one is sooooo cute!

    Here in the UK we get weird weather all year round! It might be chilly and rainy in June, hot and dry in September! We do have our proper winters though but absolutely nothing like the sound of yours. I do quite like winter, I like wrapping up in my slippers and dressing down, snuggling under duvets and getting the big winter coat out. What I hate is the in between period. When it’s really cold in the morning and then warms up. So you only need your jacket first thing and then on the way home you have to carry it or be warm!

    I do like the warm, but I’m not great with a lot of heat. Summer dresses are so comfy though 🙂

    Where are you based now (I don’t know which is the East side!). I am off to San Francisco in 3 weeks with work! Very much looking forward to the trip – very much going to miss my boy!

    Lisa x


    1. Yes, the in betweens can be a pain, especially with kids involved. I am left carrying around three jackets now! There is nothing quite so burdensome, however, as coast, hats, gloves, boots, “Oh no, why did you just take off your coat while I was helping your sister?” over and over and over again! 😉 I will admit the comfy clothing is a plus though. . . I will try and look on this bright side of things! 🙂

      You will love San Francisco! The temps stay pretty even all year round and the bay is simply beautiful! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts about it!!


  2. I’m a native Floridian. I didn’t get to experience snow till I was 17. Even though I lived four years up north, I MISS IT! I’ve been back in Florida for the last 13 years and I hate the weather here. Some people love endless summer. They even have it on their license plates. Maybe it’s because of the humidity, but I much prefer the cold even if I feel the cold faster than anyone else I know.

    I’ve never been to California. Maybe it’s not as humid as Florida. The heat might be more bearable if it didn’t feel like you’re walking through warm honey.

    In other words, I’d gladly trade locations with you! 😉


      1. Shea, it seems we are on exact opposite spectrums! I have been in your type of summer heat before and I will admit, it is just as brutal as my winter! If only we could be old and retired, living in my neck of the woods for summer and yours for winter. Well, I suppose it gives us some cheer for growing gray. 🙂 😉


  3. Oh, I see we finally disagree on something! I LOVE winter! Snow makes everything old take on such a magical quality and wraps it up in a nice white blanket – beautiful, glistening, and complete. Winter reminds you to look at things in a different way and be careful with yourself and all that crosses your path. Winter reminds us that we are tiny in the scope of the grander plan and yet that we, each one of us, are different from the next….no two are alike. It also reminds us that there are always tomorrows to begin again – fresh with no mistakes. How can you not look forward to so much positivity? 🙂


    1. Torrie, what is friendship without a little butting of heads from time to time. 🙂 Although I am still mourning the coming cold, your sentiments do give me a little spark of excitement. I am definitely going to be resorting back to this come January blizzards. While I attempt to march into the store holding two bundled toddlers, my face numb from the whipping winds, trying not to slip on the ice, my arms about to fall off–I will remember your words. 😉 😉 😉


      1. Hah. Okay, you make your point…..I don’t have those two bundled toddlers to drag through the blizzards and whipping wind. Nor do I have them to sit with on a sled anymore. I also don’t get to rush them inside after their first ski lesson and warm up with them and a cup of hot cocoa. Oh, there are so many magical things, Sasha… many and they’re so little… much to look forward to even in the depths of blizzards and their amazement as you all watch it snow out the window this winter…As for here….though mine are grown and almost grown, there are still new experiences each year. This boy of mine still here seems determined to drag us into snowboarding this year, so I’m going to enjoy watching him learn that one! Good photo fodder!


        1. Okay, you have convinced me, there are many beautiful memories to be had. In particular, I know Christmas will be the best ever with my daughter finally old enough to understand. Thanks for the pep talk, I think I really needed it! 🙂


  4. I’m with you on the flip-flops thing…I’m always so sad to see those go! The temperature dropped here yesterday in the mid-west and we turned our heat on at night. I even woke up to a little snow and I wasn’t quite ready for that! I don’t like the cold but I do like the Fall because I’m one of those girls who loves pumpkin-spice, apple cider, and so on. I also love to bake on the colder days! I happen to live in a state though that doesn’t usually stay consistently cold, so maybe that makes it better. 😉


    1. Oh no, snow, in September!!! I thought 60 degrees was bad here yesterday! You are lucky though to not have it remain so long. I think that is the hardest part here. November we are drinking our cider and baking pies, December taking down the sleds, January trying to put on our half smile, February grasping desperately for a way out, March crying ourselves to sleep, and April running out in our tank tops for it is finally a high of 40 outside. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m with you on this. I’m a sunshine girl all the way. Lucky for me, I live in the southern hemisphere. Spring is coming, and that makes me a very happy camper.


  6. I definitely embrace the Fall — as I do all the seasons…I think I’m just a lover of change. Living in the foothills of the Appalachians, and a short drive from the Northeast Georgia mountains, the Fall means fun festivals and colors and warm cozy “stuff.” One of my favorite quotes comes from F. Scott Fitzgerald, “Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the Fall.”


    1. Ok, living that close to the Appalachians definitely gives you reason to be a lover of seasons! Perhaps I should take a trip that way soon. 🙂 I love the quote, about to go write it on my chalk board right now!! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  7. lol 🙂 here in Australia it’s the opposite (at least where I live :). Summer can be very hot here, and the winters are short and quite mild. We love the in between seasons of spring and autumn!


    1. Sara, I have a friend who went to school in Australia and fell so in love she never came back to the states. Now I understand why! 🙂 Enjoy your in between!! 🙂


      1. Sasha, I have friends who came from Michigan, lived here for 6 years and then moved back home. Amongst other things she missed the seasons, the clear differentiation between them. Last winter though, was so brutal, I’m sure they’re dreading it like you are xo


        1. Haha, goes to show how different we all are. It is this in itself which makes this world such a beautiful place. . . and aids in our endeavors to spread out across our land! 😉


  8. I grew up in Connecticut so I totally get how cold the east coast can be! I remember waking up one winter and finding out it had snowed so much that we couldn’t open any doors to go outside… And I hate being cold. And even though I understand that fall = the coming of the season that must not be named, I still love it for its colors, it’s food, and the fact that it allows me to wear a leather jacket without freezing my butt off 😉

    PS. Summer used to be my favorite until I moved to Japan where it is so humid its not even funny. I’m talking hair explosions and sticky messes of sweat :/


    1. It is true, fall itself can be quite lovely. It is just what lingers ahead which makes me mourn! I think the reason I love summer so much is because of how mild it is here–perhaps my summers are like your falls. 🙂 For your sake though I am happy for the cooler temps on the horizon. Enjoy!! 🙂


  9. I dislike winter immensely, and I am from near San Francisco so I realize that I have never actually suffered through a proper winter like those in other parts of the world do. That is one reason that my husband and I decided to travel in warmer areas and during warmer times. We are in Thailand now, the lowest it get is about 70 degrees. I never want to leave. 🙂


    1. You are from San Fran and still despise winter?! How much we on the East side sneer at your kind! LOL! Oh, and what I give to be in your shoes this winter! Enjoy Thailand with your year long tan and vitamin D! 🙂


    1. Oh, I did not even mention the driving part, which is probably one of the worst! Those days the snow is a mile high I am counting my blessings to not be working yet. I will feel deep sympathies for you though!! 🙂


  10. My kids keep asking me when it’s finally going to snow and I want to say, “Shhh! Don’t talk that way! Winter will hear you and decide to come!” I’m afraid he heard, and we woke up to frost this week. 😦 sad, sad day, but for reasons beyond my comprehension my kids are thrilled! I have to admit, I wasn’t terribly sad to see summer end, but that “in between” never lasts long enough. I’d be ok if it were spring and fall all year long!


    1. Growing up I remember barely able to contain my joy when spotting the first snow fall. We would run out with our sleds and try going down the first hill in sight. We would always end up making a muddy path, but who cares, it was snowing! 🙂 I still find myself a little sentimental on that first snowfall of the year. However, by the one millionth time I am far from over it. 😉 😉

      It is just another great thing about having kids though, to watch the wonder and excitement in their eyes. I suppose it will make this winter a bit more endurable because of it. AND I agree, a perpetual spring and fall would be pure paradise!


    1. Keri, my husband just mentioned the other day of a possibility we may move to Denver in a few years time. Now I really hope, really, really badly, this will be a reality for us. 50 would be a definite heat wave here in January!


  11. I live in Southern California but about an hour away from the beach. Fall and spring are my favorite seasons. Winter isn’t too bad. August and September are way too hot for me. In fact, it’s supposed to be 104 today. I love your analogies!


    1. Oh, when I refer to “summer” here I think I am talking about your Spring! 104, and I though high 80s was bad! For your sake, I hope it takes a cool turn soon!!!


  12. I hear you and totally agree. I told my husband last winter that i will not go another winter without a trip somewhere warm to recharge my happiness meter so I just booked the flights last week. I have VERY high hopes that one week will be enough to give me the courage to return to WI and survive the rest of winter.

    Here’s to hoping….


    1. I feel you completely!! Lucky for me, so does my husband, and we too are making both Florida and California a priority this winter. 😉

      Happing hoping for the both of us, and may we somehow find the strength to make it to the next glorious Spring. 🙂


  13. Ahhhhhhhhh. I am in total denial. I am old enough now that I can blame my age. NO to winter. Just got back from southwest Florida, where I wanted to stay. Football, sweaters, scarves, bonfires…..nope, nada….I want the summer temps, sand between my toes and salt spray in my hair. Guess I will have to go to Target and get a space heater, bag of sugar, and sea salt spray to make it….we may truly be sisters separated at birth, by a number of years obviously…but still!


    1. Haha, love it, and you, so much more now!! So much talk here about embracing the skiing and hot chocolate. Give me hat sand and iced tea any day! 🙂 😉 I suppose I too will have to make a Target run soon. 🙂


  14. I could not agree more! I am a summer person through & through!! I adore Bermuda shorts, tank tops, & flip flops!! Give me a day at the Lake any day over chestnuts roasting over an open fire. Winter means shorter days, freezing temperatures, & snow. Bleh!!


    1. I am so glad you agree with me!! Chestnuts over the fire is good for about a day, maybe a week. However, when it becomes months on end with chestnuts coming out our ears, I am completely done with it! 😉 🙂


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