Exhaustion · Friday Favorites · Organization

The 20 Minute Challenge

I recently wrote about the constant war I seem to have with all the “stuff” around here, i.e. my messy home! I was challenged by some of you readers to take it small, finding little bits of time to tackle little bits of work. You inspired me, and I have been doing small challenges with myself… Continue reading The 20 Minute Challenge

Simple Musings

What is Your Plan of Attack?

It was war–them verses the huge spider web. I felt a bit sorry for the the little insect. How many weeks, months, did it take him to weave his intricate and delicate home, only to be demolished in five seconds by my crew. I discovered it could be repaired in 30 minutes and now do… Continue reading What is Your Plan of Attack?


“Ameri-moms” Nonexistent Labor Day

Yesterday America stopped and celebrated Labor Day. Out came the grills, the footballs and soccer, the homemade treats and iced cold lemonade.  A day off to kick back and enjoy family and friends. Yesterday, America rested. Yesterday, “Ameri-moms” worked themselves to the bone. If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands? ~ Milton… Continue reading “Ameri-moms” Nonexistent Labor Day