
My Girls’ Night Out


So I recently discovered my local grocery store has a childcare area where you can drop off your kids while you shop. They even have special themed nights once a month where the kids are given a meal, games, and give aways.

My friend, the amazingly wise friend that she is, had the best idea ever!

We left our boys (too young for the childcare ๐Ÿ˜ฆ ) with our awesome husbands, and took our daughters, who are also great friends, to the apple party night.ย We then grabbed some sushi and found seats at the wine sampling bar (25 cents per sample). Relishing the uninterrupted by children conversation, we laughed and talked, and talked and laughed, and only chatted about our kids half the time.

We had the best girl’s night ever.ย 

We were true moms, feeling so free and wild at the grocery store counter.

Crazy how your perspective can take on such different meanings with life. We were nerd moms for sure, andย did not care in the least. ๐Ÿ™‚

What about you?? What ideas have you found to have a little time with the girls? How has your “girl time” changed since having kids?

44 thoughts on “My Girls’ Night Out

  1. Ah, girl time. It DOES change as they get older. I went from playdates and babysitters to having my daughter babysit for her younger brother, and now we’re at the point where I’m planning girl night’s out with her. (that is, if she can squeeze me in after having girl nights out with her own crowd). It happens in a flash, Sasha, but it always appears that you are capturing the best of every moment and squeezing the joy out of every day. Those munchkins are so lucky to have you.
    Rock on, mama! ๐Ÿ˜›


    1. Aw, thanks! I am certainly trying. ๐Ÿ™‚

      But what a fun thing to look forward to, girl nights with my main girl! I can see it now though. Her venting to her friends, “Ugh, I just need a little ‘me time’ apart from my mom!” ๐Ÿ˜‰

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha! This was my first in a long time. Well, I thought a year was a long time, but your youngest is much older than mine. . . you poor thing! ๐Ÿ˜‰


    1. Beth, I did not realize how much I needed it until sitting in a grocery store of all places, soaking in each and every minute of it. It can be nearly impossible to get out on your own, but if you can find a way, do it! ๐Ÿ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Sophia, isn’t it funny how even when you are apart from your kids you still spend the majority of your time talking about them? ๐Ÿ™‚ My daughter was attached at the hip for a long time, and my son is now. As they grow older they understand you will be back shortly, and will have no problem saying “see you soon!” Hang in there momma. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

      1. :). You’re totally right. I just got up to take a warm bath because my back hurts so much, and there goes my son screaming and banging at the door. HAHAHA ๐Ÿ˜€


  2. How fun! Actually I have mom friends I have dinner every now and then. Very needed sanity times … and there is always laughter, lots of it. That is one sparkly pink hat there…my daughter would approve!


    1. Kim, the hat is a definite love in our house. Even my son likes walking around in it (don’t tell my husband though ๐Ÿ™‚ ). I could not agree more–we need it for our very sanity! I did not realize how much so it until it happened. Good for you getting out with the girls!!


    1. Don’t feel too bad Holly, it took me a solid year until my first one, and I have probably only done two more since then! Mine are getting a bit older now, the age where they jump and down when the babysitter walks in the door, drag her over to the toys, and don’t look back. I think I should probably take advantage of this more!

      Your day will come soon! ๐Ÿ™‚


  3. I love this!! How true it is, that us mommas start becoming creative with our girl time! Seriously, it is so refreshing and refills my soul just to talk to another momma about life. I love to go on walks with some of the mommas that live near me and that is when we have our girl talk. It is wonderful combo of sunshine, exercise, children that can’t move (haha!) and some much needed talking! Loved your post! ๐Ÿ™‚


    1. Motherhood has brought out creativities in me I knew not existed. ๐Ÿ™‚

      What a great way to have “girl time” while also getting in some exercise and sunshine! Refilling the soul is a perfect description of it too!!


  4. This is so awesome!!! I wish I had this option available to me! Girls’ nights for me now? Are “nights” that end before 7pm so I can get the kids home to bed. Haha.


    1. Yes, they really are THE greatest grocery store EVER! They are local and family owned, but fingers crossed their popularity will catch and childcares will start popping up in stores all across America. ๐Ÿ˜‰


  5. Hi Sasha, that’s really interesting you should ask that. When my kids were tiny, we would gather at each others places or some child friendly establishment or park. Now that my kids are bigger, I can finally see my friends, in groups or one on one again and have a complete conversation with them omg ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


    1. Wasn’t it the strangest feeling the first time you had an uninterrupted conversation?? My friend and I could not stop expressing how wonderful it was to actually speak our sentences in full. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Good memories though, from park dates to grocery store chats to official one on one grown children talks. Trying to relish each moment of each one.


    1. Louise, I felt a little guilty telling my story, like I was rubbing it in so many other moms’ faces! I hope one will pop up soon with a glorious child center. ๐Ÿ™‚


    1. Oh how very awful for you! I pray you guys will find yourself connected again sooner than expected. I cannot imagine how hard it must be to have to parent alone!


  6. How fun! The last time I went on a Girls Night Outโ€ฆ.it was at Starbucks. I had an iced tea. However, it was still great to have uninterrupted conversation!


    1. It is funny how much lower our standards become when we are “mom.” Iced tea at Starbucks sounds like the perfect girls’ night to me too!! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜‰


I love to hear your thoughts!