Encouragement · Simple Musings



“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” –Fred Rogers

This world is filled with hurt and pain, darkness and suffering. If given enough time, despair and hopelessness can consume your being just thinking about it. Then, in the midst of the dark, there are found these glimmers of light, pure and beautiful torches, shining bright.

How I long to be one of these lights, these “helpers.” I am ready to go, to make a difference in this hurting world! Yes, I am going to be the torch, bringing hope to those in need!

I look down at the snotty faced little boy pulling at my leg. I pick him up and reach for the tissues. I hear the glass shattering in the kitchen, my daughter shouting my way, “Sorry about that mom!”

I am a mom. Those kids under my care, they consume my days, hours, minutes. How will I ever find time to be of help???

Perhaps, at this point in my life I am not to be the torch, the wildfire, but the warm glowing candle on a dark winter night. Some days it is in the smile and kind words to the other mom at the playground. On others it may be lending a hand to the older neighbor next door, the one who sits alone at home most days. A charitable donation, a care package to someone in need, a phone call, a letter (do we do those anymore), a text, encouragement, prayer.

Perhaps. . . that snotty faced little boy, that girl standing next to the shattered glass. . . perhaps they are somewhat important themselves. Perhaps, this mom thing, this exhausting, day in and day out, cleaning, cooking, chauffeuring, refereeing, counseling, hugging, kissing, cheering, dancing, laughing, crying mom thing is the biggest light I will ever shine. Perhaps, it is the most important “helper” I will ever be.



53 thoughts on “Perhaps.

  1. Thank you for this! It is exactly how I feel ❤ Being a mother is our most important job right now, even though I long to do more, to make a difference. I know I am making a difference in their lives right now. 🙂


    1. In the midst of the day to day it can be so easy to forget how important, life changing, our role is. I really believe of all the many things we will do in this life, there is nothing that will ever come close to being mom.

      You are making more of a difference than you will ever fully know. Keep it up dear momma!! 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Beautiful Sasha! What a great depiction of our role as mothers. It’s sometimes hard to remember how very important that steady, glowing flame really is. Sometimes it can feel insignificant (okay..maybe a lot of times.) But loving the world… I have to sometimes remember that, my daughter IS part of that world that needs loved. And this “mom thing” 😉 is so valuable in God’s eyes. A value that many will never see or congratulate us for. But God sees. And our kids see. And here in my kitchen this morning, that is important. And if this is all God ever calls me to–it is enough. 🙂 Thank you for reminding me this morning!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I know exactly how you feel. You hear about all these incredible people changing the world. You look down and wonder if you can even muster the strength to change one more dirty diaper! 🙂 I try to remind myself often of how important my role is RIGHT now, in each and every moment of motherhood. I truly believe that if I died being nothing but a great mom I will die in peace, knowing I accomplished the greatest role of life.


  3. “…A charitable donation, a care package to someone in need, a phone call, a letter (do we do those anymore), a text, encouragement, prayer…” or perhaps a blog to let others know they are not alone? 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Torrie, it is such an amazing thing, this blogging world. We connect with individuals we will probably never meet face to face this side of life, and yet form a community of friendship. I cannot count the number of times I have read a post which gave me the strength I needed for that day. You alone have taught me to embrace the growing of my children, to not mourn the end but relish the change. I forever hope to bring some light here as well. 🙂


  4. Interesting timing for you to use Fred Rogers’ quote. I had a doozy of a weekend (lost my breastmilk freezer stash) and so,some used that quote on Facebook to encourage me.

    I’ve been thinking along the same lines as you lately. I’m on fire to help others and encourage others. To bring light to this dark world. And then my house gets infested with mice. My freezer goes out. My stove stops working. My husband leaves for two weeks for business. Again. It’s always something. It’s time I remember that the work I’m doing as a mom is more important than anything else I can do. If I can do more, it’s icing on the cake and not something to be ashamed of. My children are the most important mission field I’ll ever work in.


    1. “Icing on the cake,” such a great way to look at it! There is truly nothing as important as investing in their lives. Keep going strong sweet Momma and I really do mourn you freezer stash!


  5. So beautiful Sasha. You have such an eloquent way of wording your thoughts. It was so nice to read this. I go through bouts feeling like I should be doing more to help my community and world, but then you provide this great reminder that 1. very small acts of kindness on a daily basis are powerful and 2. raising our children is the most important helper we will be. Thank you. 🙂


    1. Thanks Shawn! I try to remind myself they will be grown and gone before I blink, and I will have the rest of my life to help others. Right now, there is nothing as crucial in my life as them. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. A lovely post. I suspect many moms struggle with the very issues you’ve highlighted here. Once my children came into the world, I developed a strong sense of responsibility to contribute to a better world, yet (as the mom of very young children) I’ve never had less time to make a difference.
    For now, I will have to mostly live out altruism through my children and small gestures in my daily life, but perhaps one day I’ll be able to do more.


    1. Thanks for sharing this Lesley! Yes, one day we will have so very much time, and then we will mourn our empty nest. 🙂 I always hope I will look back and know I spent every last bit of energy investing in my children. Our time with them is limited, and yet the most important time of our lives.


  7. Again and again I am amazed at how beautifully you write. Each post seems to touch on something that I struggle with as a mother. This post is no exception! Thank you for the encouragement. You helped me realize, there really is nothing I could be doing now, that is more important, influential, or life-changing than being a mom to my boy. Not very often we have the chance to really affect someones life, but each day, we as mom’s really do! How awesome is that? Thank you for your post, Sasha! 🙂


    1. Marla, your words have touched me to the core. Thank you so much for sharing this with me!!

      Of all the lives we will ever encounter, none will ever be impacted in the same way as our children’s. We have the power to influence them either positively or negatively. It is such an incredible, scary responsibly and one I am trying to remind myself of often. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You are so right! It is such a big responsibility. But, as long as we are trying, I feel like we’ll succeed. We’ll apologize, forgive, hug, and enjoy this amazing journey of life with our kids 🙂


  8. Yes, I think this mom business is the most important challenge of our lives, Sasha. We’ve got one shot, where we give it our all, and attempt to make the best human beings we can possibly create. Thank God it’s not just one day, or one month, but multiple years worth of imprinting something worthy again and again into these little bodies, and erasing the smudgy marks of our mistakes as best we can, but ultimately realizing that those shadows give our children depth so it’s not a total loss.
    Be proud of your job. It is a bucketload of work–and you are helping, helping, helping to make the world a shinier, lovelier more perfect place for mankind.
    Cheers, Sasha!


    1. Oh, I cannot thank God enough that it is years of imprints! I love how you see even the mess ups to be turned into strengths though. This made me think of my own mom and the ways she messed up through the years. However, in her admitting her mistakes, in showing what it means to brush yourself off and keep going, I learned so much more than I probably ever would have through her perfection.

      I will keep being a helper to these little rug rats for as long as they will allow me. I think I may even accept my son living under my roof at 35 if he so wishes. 🙂


  9. Fred Rogers is one of my heroes, and that quote is one of my absolute favorites! I feel so much this way so often. But we are making a difference by taking care of and teaching these little ones. It’s the most important help we can ever give! I completely agree, and wish more mothers could know and understand the difference they will make in the world. Thank you for your beautiful words!


    1. It is my heart’s burning prayer all mothers would grasp how important, how crucial their role is. It brings me such joy to read from mothers like yourself, who are really making such a beautiful impact into your boys’ lives. Keep being their helper and encouraging other moms through your writings to do the same!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. You’ve so beautifully weaved the feelings into words Sasha! Being a mother is the most responsible job in this world because we are raising the next generation which will shape the future of this world. Thank you for writing this.


  11. Each time I read the account of Hannah and Samuel I can’t help being amazed at the unfailing persistence this woman of God must have had. She kept on and on praying for a son when she thought she was barren. The Lord blessed her with a good son, one she was able to train for the service of the kingdom of Israel. He first served Eli, the High Priest and went on to become a prophet and a priest himself. Now think of what Hannah’s goal had to have been every day she had him at home.

    1 Samuel 2:18-22
    18 But Samuel ministered before the Lord, being a child, girded with a linen ephod.
    19 Moreover his mother made him a little coat, and brought it to him from year to year, when she came up with her husband to offer the yearly sacrifice.
    20 And Eli blessed Elkanah and his wife, and said, The Lord give thee seed of this woman for the loan which is lent to the Lord. And they went unto their own home.
    21 And the Lord visited Hannah, so that she conceived, and bare three sons and two daughters. And the child Samuel grew before the Lord.
    22 Now Eli was very old, and heard all that his sons did unto all Israel; and how they lay with the women that assembled at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.

    Can you imagine sending your newly weaned son to serve a man who had failed as a father? Can you imagine sending a precious little child to be all alone in his work? Hannah’s focus must have been as true as the laser that cuts away the cancers in surgeries. She trained him to be the best and never to loose sight of his purpose.

    We mothers need to think more seriously about teaching our children that life on earth is short and eternity is long. Teaching them to serve faithfully here is the greatest good we can give our sons and daughters. Wouldn’t we be more accomplished moms if we seriously considered preparing our children to be the best they can be? Then *they* can go out to be the problem solvers.

    We will have an empty nest soon enough. Our grandchildren may not listen to us, but we can then go out to meet other challenges and serve where we are needed. Assuming we have at least 70 years, I would say plan for the time when your children are refined and gone to be their own person. Plan to use the autumn of your life serving others. There should be plenty of time if you plan for those opportunities.


    1. Beth, I have often thought of Hannah since having my own children. How strong she was, much more so than I could ever be. However, I love the way you laid out how focused she was on teaching Samuel, and showing him the greater purpose of life.

      You are right, I will have so many years once mine are grown. Now it the time to be fully committed, 100% to them. Thank you for your strong words of encouragement. They have ministered so much to me.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Being the best mom you can be to your children makes you the biggest helper and the bonfire light in their lives and they will take a little bit of that flame and go out to light their own bonfires and that’s how we light up the world!


  13. I think serving others is important. However, I also feel that my #1 job is to take care of my kids and make sure they are happy, loved and valued. If doing too much volunteer work elsewhere is going to take away from that, I’m going to cut back. You can make a big difference everyday just by smiling, being courteous and sending letters (I do still write those sometimes).


    1. Melissa, I still write letters too!! I always think there is nothing quite so wonderful as receiving an old fashioned letter in the mail. Perhaps, it brings back happy childhood memories or something. 🙂

      I agree, it is job #1, and the most important of anything we will ever do in this life.


  14. I just found my way here because of a comment you left on my blog. How did you know I needed to read this today? I’ve been struggling to gain some balance between motherhood and career, which seems to be the hardest thing to figure out! Thanks for your meditation on the importance of our real “job.”


    1. Catherine, I am so glad you were encouraged by this! I do not undermine your career at all and know you will be given so many opportunities to be a helper to those around you each day. I do believe your real “job” really is the most important one you will ever do though. 😉 🙂

      So happy to have connected with you!!! 🙂


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