
Rebelling Against the Busy, iPhone-y Way of Living


Life: it seems it has become a race car way of living.

We go from this place to that, run this errand and that one, this project, this job, this volunteer stop, this function, this class, this sporting event. . .

Even in the moments of actually sitting, my children are playing, and there I am, phone in hand, glancing up to smile their way.

There they are, simply waiting for my attention.


We went out one morning with nothing on the agenda but to live. I even (gasp) left my iPhone on the kitchen counter.

It was one of those mornings I will not soon forget. There were times I really wanted to record the moment. Like when both kids heard the music in front of the ice-cream shop and started dancing. My children dance like nerds, plain and simple, and it is my favorite thing ever. I had nothing to record them but my own mind.

I play this memory back over and over, and every time I think of it I smile. I will forever remember, even without a photo to back it up.

Then there was the moment they were simply sitting and playing with wood chips. I wanted to reach into my bag and occupy my mind with some social media. I had no choice, however, but to sit down next to them and play as well. I took in each detail of their precious faces, their little fingers, their heart melting smiles, and I smiled back, my heart in knots, so happy there was no iPhone in site.


I have started slowing down, rebelling from the busy way of things. I’m a mom, life can become a bit “mom-ish.” What better thing to do than be a little rebellious, right?

I am not an extremist in the matter. I am just trying to be a little more balanced. To slow down, pull off the racetrack for a while. I do not need to be constantly busy or entertained.

Sometimes. . . no, oftentimes, it is okay to sit in the middle of the grass and play, with nothing to occupy your thoughts but the sweetness of the one sitting next to you.

Life is such an amazing thing, if only we stop to realize it.

I still remember the day my daughter told me, “Mom, put your phone down.” It was my wake up call. I have been awake ever since, and am loving this fresh air.


29 thoughts on “Rebelling Against the Busy, iPhone-y Way of Living

  1. THIS is why I won’t buy an iPhone. 😀 I *am* guilty of needing to put my laptop down, but I don’t ever have social media or any other electronic entertainment while we’re away from home. I aim to KEEP it that way! XO

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That is great Valerie!! It comes in really handy sometimes, like when I need directions to somewhere or a quick check of when the storm is making its way across the zoo (so we can dash to the car in time). However, like everything else in life, I am making sure to use in moderation. 🙂


  2. These are the words of someone who has done a little re-calibrating, and this is the life so many wish to lead. Your children are lucky you’re figuring this out now, and those ice cream store moments are the stuff of most folks’ dreams and desires, if they’d only stop to realize what really mattered.
    You’re one smart cookie, Sasha. And of course your bunchkins are totally edible too. 😛


  3. The sweet moments will be over before you blink. Glad you are figuring out the important matters of life early on! Keep going strong dear!


    1. Thanks Kate!! Yes, I know they will be here and gone so quickly. I am trying to soak in every moment I can while I still have them with me.


  4. Totally feel ya girl! Rebellion against technology seems fun! I am so guilty of this too! I try and try my hardest to keep it put up when we are out and about as a family. But like you said, it is so nice to have it and pull it out to record or snap pictures at life’s most precious moments!


  5. I always had a not-so-smart phone, and there were times when I would be out with the family wishing I had something to capture those moments. Sometimes I would remember to bring my camera, but it was always so clunky. My husband wanted me to upgrade, and he recently got me a used iPhone. What a handy thing that is! But you are absolutely right! It can be such a distraction. I have to remind myself not to be on it when it’s playtime with the kids. And when I forget to remind myself, my kids are also really good about telling me too! 🙂


    1. Yours are like my daughter it seems telling us to put it away. We are lucky to have the little reminders in our lives. 🙂 For photos though, I am SO GLAD you are no longer a not-so-smart phone mom! 😉


  6. Great pics in this post! Yes, it’s always helpful to stay in balance with our devices! I love mine and the tiny moments of adulthood it can give me amid the trikes and the seesaws. But I agree with you that putting it down frequently or even not carrying it is a wonderful feeling too! Love to you and yours.


  7. Sometimes I feel like my iPhone dulls the memories I have of time I spend with my husband & son. Without phone in hand I notice more details & can recall them with more life. It’s a blessing & a curse that I haven’t found the balance in yet! Here’s to more wood chip play 🙂 and remembering it years later.


    1. I am so glad you enjoyed it! Yes, I think we would all benefit from a little less business, and a little more relishing of the moments. 🙂


  8. I take way too many pictures of everything my boys do and I love it, but there are times the memory is so much better than the picture could ever capture. My son told me to put my phone down starting a few weeks ago and it’s definitely a major wake up call for sure! They notice that even though the intent is to enjoy and capture the moment, sometimes that is what makes us miss it.


  9. These photos are amazing! Do you take them yourself? What kind of camera do you use? I agree, there needs to be a balance between fully engaging with your kids and then taking some time to detach and regroup by texting a friend or looking on facebook. I make a point to leave my phone behind whenever we go out to play and there are so many moments I know I would regret missing if I was staring at a screen instead of my little guy.


    1. Yes, it is all about the balance. Just like everything else in life it seems! 🙂 Thank you so much for the photo compliment!! I in no way consider myself a photographer but I have fun snapping my kids! I use a Canon Rebel for most my shots, although the iPhone comes in handy as well–just in moderation! 😉


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