My Heart

Forever My Passion


I did not truly know what love was before you entered my world; how much passion could be wrapped in one tiny being.

I had you early in life, only 18 months after graduating college. I barely stepped foot into the “real world” before stepping right back out to spend my days with you. I am sometimes asked if I am your nanny. How I love to watch the expressions when I respond I am actually the mom. I beam with pride to tell them so. To hear you call me “mommy” is the greatest gift of my life.


Do I regret having you young, not first living out a fulfilling career; enjoying a few more years of marriage alone; going out to wine and dine in the evenings instead of collapsing in bed with you?

Not at all.

I cannot imagine anything as fulfilling, as wonderful, as miraculous as waking up with your sweet smile each morning. You are my world, my passion, the smile upon my face. If I die having been nothing but your mom, I will die a happy and fulfilled soul.

Forever my daughter, forever my love, I am completely and totally yours.

39 thoughts on “Forever My Passion

    1. Both ways have their good and bad, but either way the kid’s part of it is beyond compare! I am so glad you were able to be a teacher though; we desperately need good teachers!


  1. A wonderful heartfelt post! You’re so lucky to have this perspective, but I think your daughter probably benefits even more!


  2. I am a young mom too. I had my first at 24. Only, now it’s been 8 years, so I probably don’t qualify as a young mom anymore. Oh well. But I totally agree, and I don’t think we missed out on anything.


  3. I was just out of college when we had our first and am still asked all the time if I’m the nanny. I feel the exact same way. I’d do it all again in a heartbeat and wouldn’t change a thing! It’s amazing how much overwhelming love you can have for someone who is so needy, so small, and who takes your life and turns it upside down. What a beautiful little girl (and boy) you have! Your words are so sweet.


    1. I had no idea you also had them so early on! Haha, it’s so funny to watch people’s expression when you tell them no, you are not the nanny! It really is such an amazing, beautiful gift though, being a mom. Thanks for sharing this, I think I like you even more now! 🙂


  4. How incredibly sweet!! I feel the same way about being a mother. It’s all I ever wanted to be. 🙂


  5. I had my first child at seventeen. She turns twenty eight next week. I know exactly what you’re writing here. Thank you!


    1. Thank you for sharing this Becky! I love to hear this, especially from a mom on the other end of things, now with a grown daughter. Still, your passion of love for her remains the same.


      1. Absolutely! A love that is in a continuous change and deepening. Both my daughters are two of my favorite people 🙂


  6. Some days I get wrapped up in all of my plans and dreams. Those days I forget that God has already gifted me four beautiful, sweet, sensitive children that I prayed relentlessly for. Having seven pregnancies….and four living children….I should never forget how incredibly blessed I am. Thanks for the reminder today! 🙂


    1. Oh, Vanesa, I cannot imagine the pain you experienced through the loss of your sweet babies. How much you must relish each and every day with your four loves. Thank you for sharing this.


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