
The Poopy Fight


We live in a high rise apartment and have to walk down the hall to the elevator to go out. Pierce typically does his regular dirty diaper duties sometime before we head out each morning. I wrap it in a plastic grocery bag and set it outside the door to throw down the trash shoot on our way to the elevator.

Kids fight, I know this. They fight over toys, books, crayons, poop. . .

What? Wait. Did I just say poop?


Both my kids want to hold the plastic dirty diaper bag on our way to the trash shoot and both kids want to throw it down. This is a bag of poop they are crying over.

The fighting became regular, and therefore I came up with a genius solution. I put another random trash item into a second plastic bag so each child could carry their own.

Problem solved. Mom of the year award goes to me.


New problem: both kids want the bag of poop, not the bag of non smelly trash item.

Oh boy. 


53 thoughts on “The Poopy Fight

  1. Ok, not quite the same but I fight my dogs over poop. If I am nursing and my oldest goes poop on her potty, she knows to bring it to me (ew! Nothing worse than nursing a sleepy baby next to, basically, a bowl of poop!) or else the dogs will eat it. Yeah.


    1. Oh my, this is so funny and so disgusting!! How awful to nurse next to such a thing!!! At least it makes for a really good story! 🙂


    1. Yes Keri, they are drawn like bees to honey!! Hopefully they will grow into the “Ew, disgusting!” stage soon!!


  2. Kids are so weird – I just can’t get over it! I think you need a dog – it could provide instant poop whenever you needed it! (Trust me, I have two of them – I know!) :Ob


  3. Ha!! I love it. People asked us at first if since we had twins we were going to buy two of every toy–your story illustrates why that wouldn’t work anyway.


    1. Yes, they will find the one little difference in them! If not, one of the kids will decide he or she wants them both anyways. My daughter’s new phrase: “I need two like my birthday’s two years old.” 🙂


    1. Yes, the things they find to argue over! I suppose we never really grow up. I sometimes find myself fighting over some pretty ridiculous things with my husband! 😉


    1. oh, my daughter would be green with envy did she realize there are those out there who do not have a little brother to always have to duke it out with! I hope you are not fighting with your daughter for the privilege to throw it in the trash. 🙂


    1. Haha! You are so right. I need to count my blessings. My kids are fighting to do chores, smelly chores even! 🙂


    1. Oh yes, the things they suddenly want just because the other one has it! It will be the most random, useless item suddenly turned the most prized possession. I suppose I do it too. Take high heals for example: such awful torture devices and yet I strap those babies on simply because the other women are going to! 😉


    1. Oh yes, they have no idea how amusing their fighting can be at times! Just tonight they started over an old gatorade lid. What need does anyone have with the lid to a bottle that is no longer even around? I couldn’t help but laugh before trying to intervene!


    1. Oh, I am so glad to bring some laughter your way! I laugh about it whenever I think about how ridiculous of a fight it is. When I am trying to make it out the door however, the humor just isn’t quite so strong! 🙂


  4. Ha ha ha!!! I’m sorry, I have no answers for this one! It reminds me of the day my twins fought over an imaginary hamster. I said it ran out the door while they were fighting. The turned and looked at me at the same time and said ‘no mummy, he’s there’ and both pointed to ‘it’. Lol! Good luck with this one. :o)


    1. Oh, that is both hilarious and amazing at the same time. If he was imaginary how did they both know right where to point?! You were definitely out of luck in resolving that one!! 🙂 Thanks for the luck wish for me, I am hoping the novelty of the smelly thing will eventually wear off!


    1. Oh no, I did not think about this! I could definitely see my son showing the story to his sister’s boyfriends! Perhaps in a few years I will delete it from the blog. However, I will definitely save a copy to show them once everyone is married! 😉


  5. My younger two fight over just about anything…even imaginary things. I thought at ages (almost) 15 & 16 we’d be past this point in life! Ah, siblings! 😉 But they love each other to pieces underneath it all! Hang in there!


    1. I think the sibling rival never completely ends, even into adulthood! I cannot imagine the fighting during the teenage years though–at least I can easily break mine up with a cookie. 🙂 How good to hear how close yours are! I pray all the time mine will have this same kind of love for one another.


  6. Oh my goodness that is so funny, because it is soo true what silly things our children fight over! I guess it just shows us how early our selfish natures develop! (mine, mine, all mine!) I love your blog! We can learn soo much through our children!!!


    1. Yes, we really do have a “it’s all about me” persona right from the beginning it seems! Thank you so much for your kind compliment!! Yes, they are teaching me something new each day!


    1. Haha, you are lucky! Or maybe I am the lucky one for never having to touch it myself! Who knows? Either way we win some we lose some I suppose. 🙂


    1. Yes, it seems I must prepare myself for the next fifteen years! I like to think of it as great training: developing both the ability to stick up for themselves and get their hands dirty. 😉


  7. Ha!Ha! Love your posts!! Isn’t it fun all the crazy things they do?! Someday you are going to come back and read this and laugh at all the strange things you lived through. Someday, they will read this and die of embarrassment. LOL!! 🙂


    1. Thanks Shannon!! Yes, I think I will definitely get a god laugh out of this someday. I will also perhaps delete it before they are too old to save them from the shame! 🙂


    1. First, thank you for the compliment! 🙂 I post them “large.” Depending on what WordPress theme you use though, the sizes seem to differ. Play around by trying out what the different themes look like and what one you feel goes best with your style. I looked for quite some time until I found one I was okay with! It is fun experimenting though!


      1. Thank you… yeah I changed my theme yesterday and am much happier with it overall but still need to do some tweaking and learning… it’s a work in progress like everything else in my life 😊


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