
Surgery is a Lovely Thing When Your Name is “Mom”


About three weeks ago I told how I sprained my knee at the park (“The Irreplaceable Woman”). My “sprain” Β turned out to be an irreparable torn meniscus. It had to be surgically removed. I was upset, but there was no other option.

However, I was soon to realize, when you are a mom, a day of surgery is quite the marvelous day.

Here is how it goes:


πŸ™‚ After giving birth to two children, I am not nervous in the least to be knocked out while someone operates on me.

πŸ˜‰ I am actually getting pretty excited for this 9AM nap time.

πŸ˜› The anesthesiologist enters, God bless him, and sends me into the most glorious nap of my life.

πŸ˜€ I wake up a few hours later in pain, but the kind nurse gives me a wonderful dose of morphine and I sleep a long time more.

:-/ I offer my kids aΒ nice nap every day. This is the look I get:


πŸ™‚ Next, I am waited on hand and foot.

πŸ˜‰ “Can I bring you something to drink?” the nurse asks. “What would you like to eat?”

πŸ˜€ β€œOh and let me adjust your pillows for you. . . And here are some warm blankets. . . Β Let me drape this one over your shoulders for you.”

πŸ™‚ I incessantly thank this angel sent from God.

πŸ˜‰ Β She brings me some more glorious painkillers, and I feel all warm and happy inside.

πŸ˜€ I also have warm gushy feelings for my husband who is smiling at me. . . Too bad for his sake I am still incapable of really moving much.

πŸ™‚ It’s okay. I will send him my love across the room. He can sense it I’m sure.


πŸ˜› It is finally time for me to go.

πŸ˜€ I refrain myself from grabbing the nurse’s leg and begging her to let me stay with her.

πŸ˜‰ I was happy the nurse took my purple hair net off my head before my husband came into the room.

πŸ˜› He did see the XX-large purple hospital gown but was kind enough not to comment. . . true love.

πŸ˜‰ Good thing I’m already married too, because the anesthesiologist did see the hair net, and let’s just say he was not an ugly man.


πŸ™‚ Arriving home to sweet hugs from my babes, I am soon laying on freshly washed sheets and blankets–I love you dear mother in law, even though you constantly put my own housework to shame.

πŸ˜€ I prop up my leg and feel myself once again slip away into the marvelous world of rest.

πŸ™‚ My surgery went good, the pain meds are high, and I get to spend the rest of this day sleeping and eating, lounging around with my kids, and doing no housework, whatsoever.

πŸ™‚ Yes, surgery definitely carries its share of perks when you are a mom.





12 thoughts on “Surgery is a Lovely Thing When Your Name is “Mom”

  1. Thanks! πŸ˜‰ Although I will not wish surgery on you, I hope you can find some way in the future to have your own special day!


  2. Enjoy reading your blogs! Have you ever thought about writing a book? Glad you’re surgery went well & prayers for a safe & speedy recovery. (But not too speedy so you can enjoy getting spoiled) Love n Hugs to all of you …


    1. Thanks for the encouragement!! I love writing so perhaps I will try to tackle a book some day. πŸ™‚
      My mother in law is here until next Sunday so I have until then to enjoy my break!


  3. Pain meds and long naps – enough to make you want to injure yourself on a monthly basis. πŸ˜‰

    Hope your recovery goes well (if not somewhat slowly only for the added perks). Happy napping!


  4. Wow, okay I totally need to do something which requires surgery (but quick recovery time….)!! LOL
    Glad you’re doing alright. **healing vibes!** coming your way. πŸ™‚


    1. Thanks for the vibes! Each day is slowing getting better and I start some physical therapy tomorrow. Maybe next time we can shoot for implants instead. I heard it is a quick recovery and leaves a nice added benefit. πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰


        1. Haha, yes it was! The physical therapy afterwords has not been nearly as pleasant but thankfully I am greatly improving more and more each day!


  5. I get surgery next week to repair my elbow. The only reason I’m looking forward to it is because then my elbow can start healing.
    Hope you are healing well and able to get around without pain. πŸ™‚


    1. Thanks, I am doing much better. The first week (beside the day of surgery) was really rough. There were definitely a lot of pain meds involved! Things are coming along great now, and like you said, it is so much better to be in some pain knowing the healing is taking place. Good luck and enjoy every minute of your “me time.” πŸ˜‰


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